About the Water Supply Improvement Project
The Villages of Morton Grove and Niles have partnered with the City of Evanston to supply over 50,000 of their residents and businesses with safe, high-quality water at stabilized rates that allow cost savings to be used for future infrastructure improvements.
Through an intergovernmental partnership, Morton Grove and Niles kicked off the Water Supply Improvement Project in 2013 with the goal of finding a more financially sustainable and predictable rate as a multi-decade agreement with the City of Chicago comes to an end.
This project will construct a new water supply system from Evanston, ultimately connecting to Morton Grove and Niles through the Village of Skokie. The construction of this project will provide over $8.5 million in capital improvements to Morton Grove, Niles and Skokie, including the reconstruction of streets, curbs and gutters along the construction route.

New Water Supply System
The water supply system is planned to be operational in late 2018 and will consist of new and repurposed water transmission lines, a booster pumping station located in Evanston and in addition to the main pumping station, a seven-million-gallon water reservoir located in Morton Grove.
The Water Supply Improvement Project will address contingency water supply capabilities during unforeseen emergencies that may impact the water supply. The contingency emergency connections are not needed to meet basic water supply needs; however, the MGNWC believes providing safe, clean and affordable drinking water is a fundamental responsibility of local government.
Watch The New Tank Construction Video
The Water Supply Improvement Project provides benefits to each community and strengthens collaborative efforts between the Villages of Morton Grove, Niles, Skokie and City of Evanston. Click below to find project updates happening in your community.
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From the City of Evanston
From the City of Evanston:
Illinois EPA Drinking Water Sampling Update
Morton Grove-Niles Water Commission purchases drinking water from the City of Evanston and sells it to its Members. Recent water sampling detected levels of one PFAS chemical just above the guidance level of 2.0 parts per trillion established by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Please see details below from the City of Evanston as well as a link to the City's web site for additional information.
From the City of Evanston:
In 2021, the Illinois EPA began an ongoing sampling investigation of Perfluoroalkyls (PFAS) chemicals in community water supplies. PFAS are human-made chemicals that have been used in industrial and consumer products worldwide since the 1950s.
Evanston results: Illinois EPA testing determined that one PFAS chemical was detected in the City's drinking water just above its guidance level of 2.0 parts per trillion (ppt) – roughly equivalent to one drop in 20 Olympic-sized swimming pools. The levels detected for this chemical, PFOA (Perfluorooctanoic acid), were 2.2 ppt (9/2/2021), 2.3 ppt (11/16/2021), and 2.2 ppt (11/16/2021). These concentrations are well below the US EPA published Lifetime Health Advisory Level of 70 ppt.
Next steps: The City is following recommendations from the Illinois EPA and closely monitoring the latest health-based guidance. At this time, no enforceable federal or state drinking water standard, called a Maximum Contaminant Level or MCL, exists for PFAS chemicals.
See more information about PFAS in drinking water from the City of Evanston.
Construction Update
Construction Update Week Ending June 25th, 2021
- Project inquiries can be directed to the Message Center at (847) 588-7979.
Progress Made the Past Week
- City of Evanston continues to operate the Intermediate Pump Station.
- MGNWC Operators continue to operate the Nagle Avenue Pump Station.
- Watered Rain Garden and turf at Intermediate Pump Station in Evanston.
- Paving of Surface Course at access pits on Harlem Avenue from Keeney Street to Main Street. Site Clean-up.
- Topsoiling and Seeding Restoration adjacent to Access Pits on Harlem Avenue.
- Removal of Long Term Northbound Harlem Avenue Right Lane Closure from Keeney Street to W. Crain Street by June 26, 2021.
Anticipated Construction: 1-Week Look Ahead
- If postponed by rain, restoration of turf areas at access pits on Harlem Avenue from Keeney Street to W. Crain Street.
Traffic Control Updates
- If restoration work is postponed due to rain, there will be daily (9am to 3 pm) Right Lane Closures on Northbound Harlem Avenue from Keeney Street to W. Crain Street.
Choosing a Water Supplier
Morton Grove and Niles’ unique geographic location to Lake Michigan presented the Morton Grove Niles Water Commission with an opportunity to explore multiple water supplier options to identify the one that would best meet stringent local, State and Federal water quality standards at long-term stabilized rates.
After careful consideration, the MGNWC identified the City of Evanston and City of Chicago as the only two suppliers that can produce the quantities of water needed by Morton Grove and Niles without the need for a sizeable water supply system expansion. Further analysis defined the City of Evanston as the preferred supplier projected to result in greater financial savings for Morton Grove and Niles when compared to rapidly rising water rates with the City of Chicago.
Over the course of 40 years, by switching our supply from Chicago to Evanston, residents of Morton Grove and Niles will save a projected $218 million in water costs, in addition to paying off upfront construction costs.
Lead Service Line Replacement Eligibility
The Commission will replace all lead service lines on public property along the project route as required by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
Property owners whose water service lines are exposed by construction have the option to replace the lead service line up their water meter with a copper service line at no cost.
To find out if you are eligible for this improvement valued at up to $10,000, contact the message center at (847) 588-7979. Be sure to leave your complete name, address and phone number.

Public Meetings
The Commission held a public meeting on February 12, 2018 for Morton Grove and Niles residents and a public meeting on February 15, 2018 for Skokie residents to learn about the project, meet the team and provide input.
To view the public meeting materials, click on the links below.
Construction of the water supply improvement project to the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles is financed by the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (SRF). The SRF program is administered by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency and receives a portion of its money to fund these types of projects from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This project includes constructing a new water supply system from Evanston, through Skokie, ultimately connecting to Morton Grove and Niles. In addition to providing Morton Grove and Niles with a new water supply system, affected areas will also receive infrastructure improvements such as the reconstruction of streets, sidewalks, curbs and gutters. Once complete, it will provide water at a more sustainable rate to the villages. Cost savings will be used for future infrastructure improvements. SRF programs operate in each state to provide communities the resources necessary to build, maintain, and improve the infrastructure that protects one of our most valuable resources: water.