About the Commission
The Morton Grove Niles Water Commission (MGNWC or Commission) was formed to design, construct, finance and operate a regional water supply system that transports and delivers clean, safe and affordable Lake Michigan water to the Villages of Morton Grove and Niles. The MGNWC is invested in long–term water supply planning and management at stabilized rates that allow for needed infrastructure improvements.
Commission Goals
Secure an affordable, reliable, high-quality water supply
Maintain the water supply infrastructure to provide reliable service to residents
Sustain strong relationships with our partners and those we serve
Provide a transparent public process and facilitate open communication

Leadership of the Commission

John Pietron, Commissioner and Chairman
Village of Morton Grove representative

Mark Fowler, Commissioner and Clerk
County of Cook representative

Joe La Margo, Commissioner
Village of Niles representative

William Balling, Water Commission Superintendent
Contact: 847-863-7101
Hanna Sullivan
Water Commission Treasurer
Terry Liston
Commission FOIA Officer